Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination in beef cattle

Artificial insemination (AI) has been utilized by the cow-calf industry for over 50 years. The advances in techniques to freeze semen allowed producers to infuse new and improved genetic material into their herd without the expenses of purchasing and maintaining high-merit and proven (high accuracy) bulls.

Recent development of estrus synchronization and fixed-time AI protocols allowed producers to breed more cows in a much shorter period of time and enhance the overall reproductive performance of the cowherd.

Recent development of estrus synchronization and fixed-time AI protocols allowed producers to breed more cows in a much shorter period of time and enhance the overall reproductive performance of the cowherd. Another advantage of AI protocols is that beef producers can assess and record the reproductive performance of individual cows. With individual records, producers have the chance to refine the reproductive ability of the herd and increase the efficiency of the operation, given that reproductive failure is one of the major sources of economic losses within a cow-calf system.

This article will further address some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI and review the most common estrus synchronization protocols that are currently available to producers.

Learning AI

The success of an AI program highly depends on the skills of the AI technician. Without proper training, AI equipment and semen can be seriously damaged. Training is also important to minimize hazards to the cow and the technician. Typically, semen companies can provide or recommend well-trained technicians to producers who purchase their products.

Producers and farm crews also have the option to attend AI schools and learn the required techniques. For further information about these courses, please contact your county agent or the National Association of Animal Breeders, an entity that recommends the minimum standards for AI schools.

Advantages of estrus synchronization + AI

Including estrus synchronization and AI in the breeding program brings several benefits to producers. Some of these benefits are:

Challenges of estrus synchronization + AI

As with any other management decision, synchronization and AI also brings challenges to producers. However, these are commonly compensated by the advantages previously described. Some of the challenges of AI programs are:

Synchronization of estrus and fixed-time AI

Estrus synchronization consists of grouping heat and/or ovulation of the herd into a short period of time, which typically ranges within five days, so AI the breeding can be concentrated. Specific products are required for estrus synchronization, and they vary according to the protocol adopted.

Hormones commonly used in estrus synchronization:

There are several estrus synchronization + AI programs currently available to producers, and these can be divided into three main categories:

Within these three categories, there are many alternatives that producers can choose from. Under adequate management conditions, the protocols currently available can yield pregnancy rates to AI between 45% to 60%, whereas recently developed protocols are producing pregnancy rates around 70%. Nevertheless, the success of estrus synchronization + AI programs will depend on the producer and operation system. Therefore, producers should not select protocols for the pregnancy rates that they can yield under “optimal conditions” but should choose protocols that will fit into their management scheme.

Protocols for estrus synchronization + AI

In this publication, we will only describe protocols that have been thoroughly tested by research studies and are recommended by the Beef Reproductive Task Force, which is a group of specialists in beef cattle reproduction (See appendix 1). These protocols yielded different pregnancy rates when evaluated under adequate management conditions (Table 2), which means that cows were in adequate nutrition, trained labor and facilities were available, and a substantial number of animals were utilized. But before selecting a specific protocol, producers should consider some of the following factors:

Table 2. Relative cost, labor requirement, and pregnancy rates of commonly used breeding programs.
Protocol Relative cost Labor required Animals evaluated Avg. pregnancy rates, %
Heat Detection and AI
Select Synch Low Medium/High 678 cows 46
Select Synch + CIDR® High Medium 595 cows 51
MGA® – PG Low Low/Medium 2,746 heifers 60
Fixed-time AI
7-day Co-Synch + CIDR® High Medium 8,124 cows 59
5-day Co-Synch + CIDR® High Medium 1,162 cows 68
Co-Synch + CIDR® High Medium 1,389 heifers 49
MGA® – PG Medium Medium 831 heifers 46
CIDR® Select High Medium/High 1228 heifers 62
Heat Detection and Fixed-time AI
MGA® – PG Medium Medium 1,905 heifers 56
Select Synch Low Medium/High 2,048 cows 51
Select Synch + CIDR® High Medium 1,596 cows 56
748 heifers 56


Artificial insemination is an important tool to infuse new and improved genetics into the herd. Recent advances in estrus synchronization protocols and fixed-time AI techniques increased the number of cows that can be bred during a shorter period of time.

Several estrus synchronization + AI protocols were developed, tested, and are currently available to producers; however, producers should select the protocol that is cost-efficient and matches their operating system, such as type and condition of cattle, labor availability and handling facilities.

For additional information regarding the protocols and techniques described herein, please visit the CowCalf Guide and the Beef Reproductive Task Force website.


This document is part of the Oregon State University – Beef Cattle Library. Prior to acceptance, this document was anonymously reviewed by two experts in the area.