You will not be able to access the NMS Match System to enter or certify a Rank Order List after the Rank Order List deadline. You are strongly advised to enter and certify your Rank Order List well before the Rank Order List deadline to avoid potential problems near the deadline.
If your residency site offers more than one program in the Match, you must enter and certify a separate Rank Order List for each program offered by your residency site in the Match.
Add applicants to your Rank Order List" />
To delete a rank, press the X next to the applicant's name.To move or re-order a rank, use the drop-down menu attached to the rank number. Select the rank number where you want to move the applicant to be ranked.
If you used NMS Interview to schedule your interviews, you can import into your Rank Order List the applicants who scheduled interviews with your program. If some applicants who you invited to interviews did not schedule themselves, or if you scheduled interviews with some applicants outside of NMS Interview, those applicants will not be imported but can be added to your list after the import is complete.
After the import is complete, you may add additional acceptable applicants to your list, remove any unacceptable applicants, and reorder applicants using the web interface.
You should print a copy of your final certified Rank Order List for your records. Click on the Printer-Friendly link (provided at the top or bottom of your Rank Order List) and then use the print function of your browser.
You will also be able to view and print your Rank Order List(s) until 4 days after the Match results are released.
Certifying the Rank Order List tells NMS that the rankings are complete and the Rank Order List is ready to be used in the Match. You must certify the Rank Order List in order for it to be used in the Match.
You can make changes to the list even after it is certified, until the Rank Order List deadline. If you make changes to a list after it is certified, the list will become uncertified and you will have to re-certify the list before the Rank Order List deadline in order for it to be used in the Match.
You are strongly encouraged to enter and certify your Rank Order List well before the deadline date to avoid potential problems near the deadline.
There are three ways to verify that the list has been certified:
Do not call NMS to confirm that your Rank Order List has been certified.
All Rank Order Lists must be certified by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 14, 2024. You will not be able to certify your Rank Order List in the NMS Match System after the Rank Order List deadline.
The online NMS Match System is designed to be used with the security and features of modern web browsers.
If you access the system with a browser that is not in the list above, or with a browser that is significantly out of date, you may see warning messages and experience problems.
You must have JavaScript enabled and accept cookies for the NMS Match System to function correctly.
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