Enrollment Fees and Refunds

Enrollment fees are subject to change as directed by the California Legislature. All other fees are subject to change as directed either by the California Legislature or by the San Bernardino Community College District College Board of Trustees in accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Payment of Fees

Payment is due at the time of registration.

Outstanding Balances

An outstanding balance will result in a HOLD placed on your account.

A hold is placed on all student accounts with past due fees. The hold prevents students from registering for courses, and receiving certificates and diplomas. Additionally, students may not be able to participate in additional school activities, such as, field trips, while account is on a financial hold. The Financial/Outstanding Balance Hold will be released upon receipt of full payment.


  1. Designated fees include:
  2. Military service exception:
  3. Refund schedule:
    This refund schedule applies to all fees listed in Section A:
  4. Withdrawal from the college:
  5. Refund processing fee:
    A charge of $10.00 will be collected for each refund transaction not to exceed $10.00 per student per semester, except for cancelled classes or over-payment. Students must drop a class before it begins in order to not incur fees.
    It takes approximately six to eight weeks to process a refund check. If a student wishes to apply the refund credit toward registration in another class, he/she must submit the drop and add at the same time.