Inlet Beach Club Notice Of Sale

Notice of Sale Form: (download form links below)

(NOTE: 30 days are needed to process applications.)


(Please Complete Fully and Accurately After Downloading)

To: Board of Directors

In accordance with the provisions of Articles XII and XIII of the Declaration of Condominium, I/We hereby serve notice that I/We desire to accept a bona fide offer made to me/us by __________________________________to purchase Unit No. ______ in Building No. ___________

I/We agree to provide the purchaser a copy of the Declaration of Condominium of the Inlet Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc. prior to the first occupancy of the unit by the Purchaser who will be bound by said Declaration of Condominium, its Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation of the Condominium Association.

In order for you to facilitate consideration of my/our application for sale of the above designated unit I/We have caused the proposed Purchaser to complete the attached Application.

I/We am/are aware that any falsification or misrepresentation of facts in the attached Application will result in the automatic rejection of the Application to Sell. Also attached is a check to the Inlet Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc. in the amount of $100.00 to cover investigation and other costs, and two (2) letters of reference for the proposed Purchaser, with a completed “Application by Proposed Purchaser.” Also attached is a fully executed copy of the Sale Contract.

Dated: This ________ day of ________________________________, 201__.

Sale/Lease Approved by the Board: (Board has thirty (30) days to respond)

Board Member Signature Board Member Signature



I/We intend to purchase Unit No. ______, Building No. _______, In order for you to facilitate consideration of my/our Application for the purchase of the above designated unit, I/We represent that the following information is factual and true. I/We are aware that any falsification or misrepresentation of the facts in this Agreement will result in automatic rejection of this Application. I/We consent that you may make further inquiry concerning this Application, particularly of the references given below.

I/We will be bound by the Application of Declaration of Condominium, and Articles of Incorporation of the Condominium Association. A fully executed copy of the Sale Contract is attached.

Parking Space #________

Full Name of Purchaser _______________________________________________________

Occupation of Purchaser ______________________________________________________

Full Name of Wife or Husband __________________________________________________

Occupation of Wife or Husband _________________________________________________

Present Home Address _______________________________________ How Long _______

City and State ______________________________ Zip ______Phone __________________

Name and Address of Landlord (if applicable)______________________________________

City and State ______________________________ Zip ______Phone __________________

Prior Home Address _________________________________________ How Long _______

City and State _____________________________________ Zip ______Phone ___________

Names and address of each employer during the three (3) years prior to the date of this Application and the dates of employment.

The Rules and Regulations of Inlet Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc. provide an obligation of Unit Owners that units are for a single family residence. Please state the name and relationship of all other persons who will be occupying this unit regularly.

Name ________________________ Relationship _________________________

Total Number of Children in your Family:________ Ages ______, ______, _______, ______.

Pet Species _____________________ Weight____________

Three (3) Personal References (Local if Possible)

City & State ___________________________________ Zip_______

City & State___________________________________ Zip_______ Phone______________

Attached are two (2) letters of personal reference.

Make, Model of Auto___________________ Year______ License #________________ State_______________

Mailing Address for Notice of Acceptance or Rejection of the Application:

Person to be notified in case of property emergency_________________________________________________

I/We have read the Declaration of Condominium and By Laws and understand the terms, provisions, conditions and covenants of INLET BEACH CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.

Date: This _______ day of ____________________________, 200___


Interview by Board Member__________________________ Date_____________________

Date Approved____________________ Date Disapproved__________________________

If the Sale is approved, it shall be so noted in a certificate executed by the Secretary and President of the Association which shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County at the expense of the purchaser.

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Copyright © 2023 Inlet Beach Club Condominium Association, Inc.

This site is an information site only and is not intended to be an official record of the Inlet Beach Club.The information contained in this site is for the use of members only and is copy righted by the Inlet Beach Club & not to be reproduced.