Submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Termination (NOT), or Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW) under the Construction General Permit

Submit your NOI, NOT or LEW through the electronic CGP submission system, the NPDES eReporting Tool or “CGP-NeT”.

Go to CGP-Net to submit your NOI, NOT, or LEW.

How to Modify and Terminate Permit Coverage

Modifying your NOI

Use the CGP-NeT system to modify your NOI. The following modifications to an NOI form will result in a 14-day review process:

During the 14-day review process, you may continue to operate based on the information provided in your original NOI, but you must wait until the review period has ended before you can commence or continue activities on any portion of your site that would be affected by any of the above modifications, unless EPA notifies you that the authorization is delayed or denied.

Terminating Coverage

Use the CGP-NeT system to submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) to terminate your permit coverage. You can submit an NOT once your site is permanently stabilized or when control of the site has been transferred to another operator.

User Guides and Trainings

Many of the CGP-NeT training materials you will need can be found on EPA's Knowledge Search website. You will also find the following specific materials helpful in using and accessing CGP-NeT:

eNOI Helpdesk Contacts

CDX Registration Questions
Domestic Callers: (888) 890-1995 [8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)]
International Callers: (970) 494-5500

NeT-CGP Questions
Domestic Callers: (877) 227-8965 [8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)]
Submit a question using the Ask a Question Form - or -
Visit the NeT Support Portal

eNOI Search

How to Submit Paper Forms

Waivers from electronic reporting may be granted based on one of the following conditions:

  1. If your operational headquarters is physically located in a geographic area (i.e., ZIP code or census tract) that is identified as under-served for broadband Internet access in the most recent report from the Federal Communications Commission; or
  2. If you have limitations regarding available computer access or computer capability.

If your EPA Regional Office grants you a waiver to use a paper NOI form, and you elect to use it, you may complete and submit information on paper. Use the links below for more information on what must be submitted:

Mail your signed paper form to one of the following addresses:

For Regular U.S. Mail Delivery:
Stormwater Notice Processing Center
Mail Code 4203M
ATTN: 2022 CGP
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

For Overnight/Express U.S. Mail Delivery:
Stormwater Notice Processing Center
William Jefferson Clinton East Building - Room 7420
ATTN: 2022 CGP
1201 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004