
Students are engaged at all levels of the biology curriculum in learning about the functions and evolution of diverse biological systems and the methods by which biologists study nature. The flexible curriculum allows students to craft their biology major or minor to best suit their interests. Students will build a broad biological background with opportunities to concentrate on specialized areas of particular passion.

The best way to learn biology is to do biology.

All our introductory and intermediate core courses have weekly laboratories or field trips where students learn to become biologists. Many biology majors elect to perform independent research in addition to their course work. Our curriculum is based around making original observations, asking questions about life processes, solving problems, and designing and testing hypotheses by performing experiments. Communication skills and nurturing curiosity are emphasized as students participate in labs and lectures, read and evaluate research articles in scientific journals, write laboratory reports according to the standards of professional scientific writing, participate in frequent opportunities for oral presentations and critical discussions, and work in research teams.

The Academic Program

The Biology Department offers a course major, course minor, honors major, and honors minor. In addition, affiliated interdiciplinary majors in Biology and Education, Biochemistry, Environmental Studies, and Neuroscience are offered in cooperation with the Education, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental Studies Program, and Psychology Departments, respectively. Swarthmore students may also pursue an individualized major in a biologically related field.

Studies in Biology at Swarthmore

Students are introduced to the study of biology at Swarthmore by taking BIOL 001: Cellular and Molecular Biology offered each fall, and BIOL 002: Organismal and Population Biology offered each spring. These two courses may be taken in either order (non-sequentially) and are the foundation of further biological studies at Swarthmore. It is not uncommon for students to take BIOL 002 in spring of their first year and then BIOL 001 during the fall of their sophomore year after taking chemistry here at Swarthmore. We find that students perform better in BIOL 001 if they have a solid foundation in chemistry.

Diverse intermediate-level courses, some offered in alternate years, allow students to choose coursework in areas of particular interest. Intermediate courses numbered 010-039 have laboratories (practicums) while courses numbered 040-069 often do not. Intermediate courses generally have BIOL 001 and BIOL 002 as prerequisites. Some of these courses also require prior coursework in the Chemistry and/or Mathematics Departments. Finally, advanced seminars numbered 100-139 have specific intermediate-level courses as prerequisites and are usually taken by students in their junior or senior year.

The Biology courses are grouped as: