Teacher Certification Programs

A student teacher works with three students in a classroom

We prepare teachers to engage all students in deeper learning. Our teachers learn to enact multimodal, research-based instructional practices to promote equity and excellence in their classrooms. Graduates develop trusting relationships with students, families, colleagues, and local partners to co-construct collaborative classrooms and school communities.

The Department of Curriculum and Instruction's Office of Teacher Education offers two pathways leading to teacher certification:

A student teacher works with a <a href=young male student" width="640" height="426" />

Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program

The Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program is a highly competitive five-year comprehensive teacher preparation program that integrates coursework and school-based clinic experiences facilitated by university and K-12 faculty in the preparation of pre-service teachers. It is offered at the Storrs campus and students apply for admission at the start of their junior year, after two years as a pre-teaching student.
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Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates

The Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG) is designed for individuals who already have a bachelor's degree and leads to Connecticut Teacher Certification and a Master of Arts degree in just 11 months of full-time coursework. Students can choose either a hybrid in-person/online cohort, based at the UConn Stamford campus, or fully in-person cohorts at the UConn Hartford, UConn Waterbury, or UConn Avery Point campuses.